Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Journey


Today is weigh-in day.

I just did that.

I am down TWENTY POUNDS!!!!!!!!

It feels amazing!

I haven't been exercising as much as I'd like but I go for walks with little man and walk to classes (unless it is pouring rain).  I limit my intake of not so good foods but I haven't cut anything out except sweet tea and pop.  I miss it sometimes but I have my water to drink!  I truly believe that has what has helped me to loose this twenty pounds.  I drink anywhere from six to fifteen cups of water a day.  I average about ten a day.

As I type this sentence LM is now in my lap.  He just got up and said in the sweetest voice possible "I wanna sit on your lap."  Therefore typing is now a little more difficult but so worth it :-)

I am loving this journey I'm on to become a healthier overall person.  As I said I still eat what I want.  For example last night a neighbor had a cookout and I had a hamburger.  Yes I skipped on the cheese but I make sure to track everything, including the mustard and ketchup!

Well LM and I need to go to the store.  We are out of some staples and he is calling me to go!


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